Hopefully you have had a truly awesome day, filled with lots of productivity. Now, it is time to sit, relax, unwind and read about another way I like to supplement
I love green. The color and food. Green colored foods are good for our bodies for numerous reasons but specifically the chlorophyll it provides. Chlorophyll is a green pigment present in plants. It facilitates the absorption of light from the sun and is able to convert this light energy into a usable form. When you eat greens it is like eating life-giving light (which is why you should not cook your greens to death [pun intended] because the nutrients become minimal).
I began consuming Chlorophyll in liquid form — in addition, to eating green veggies — as a way to replenish and rebuild my blood. About 4 years ago, I was advised that I was anemic and I wanted to find the best way to rectify this without the need to pop an iron pill (or pills) every day. My research led me to chlorophyll and I began using it to alleviate anemia because liquid chlorophyll is said to be a natural blood builder which helps fight fatigue and prevents anemia. Further study regarding chlorophyll led me to these additional benefits:
Supports detoxification working on a molecular and cellular level to regenerate the body
Promotes healthy digestion by maintaining intestinal flora and stimulating the bowel movements
Has deodorizing properties
Contains purifying qualities do to an abundance of oxygen contributing to an increase in blood flow
…and this is to name a few things.
Adding chlorophyll to your daily life is not difficult, as it is easily found in arugula, wheat grass, leeks, green beans and dark green leafy vegetables such as parsley, kale, garden cress, Swiss chards, and spinach. Other sources include sprouts, blue-green algae such as chlorella and spirulina. Overcooking food tends to destroy its chlorophyll and magnesium content, eating raw or steamed veggies are best methods to get the maximum benefit.
I enjoy adding liquid chlorophyll to my water when it is available. I would carry my bottle around with green water and this lead to some interesting conversations.
If you want to explore a simple way to add chlorophyll to your life try this [easyazon_link identifier=”B005P0MEMM” locale=”US” tag=”richbz-20″]liquid form.[/easyazon_link]
Do you already use chlorophyll? How has it helped you? Drop your feedback in the comments below.
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