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Gut Basics

When it comes to talking about the gut and eliminating wastes, we often get grossed out. We do not volunteer information about poop sessions and are vague when the doctor asks because it is our personal business, right….???

Your Gut Matters

I began to delve into this area of health when it seemed like I could not find the answers I needed to improve my health. It seemed like I offered many random theories but no answers regarding why my body was not ‘up-to-parr’.


In this age that we live in everyone is seeking something – happiness, peace, financial stability, health, love… you name it. The interesting thing is we already have all of these things, so looking in places outside of ourselves to find them will only lead us on a wild goose chase. The key is to find wholeness within one’s self. Whole is defined as being in an unbroken or undamaged state; in one piece; entire, complete, full, uninjured, unharmed. If we are whole we are what we need because we are complete.Read More »Be WHOLE