Good ole’ Valentine’s Day is fastly approaching and so many people are feeling some typa way. Wondering if they are going to get flowers, maybe a ring or even a simple ‘I LOVE YOU.’ Who came up with this day and WHY? Valentine’s Day can be such an emotional time for so many people, triggering suppressed and forgotten emotions.
Survive this day by doing the following:
Be intentional about YOU
While this should not be a once-a-year thing, make sure you take time for you on February 14th. Do something you LOVE. Buy yourself some flowers, treat yourself to dinner and a movie. And know that you are treating the greatest person you could ever love.
Focus on YOU
What do you love about you? Focus on that and give thanks for whatever it is throughout the day. If at any point you get distracted by the hoopla of the day, remember YOU.
And remember just because someone else is doing something, does not mean you have to. Valentine’s Day is a created holiday, create your own and celebrate the love you have for YOU. Don’t take the day too seriously.
Some good ole self love!
ABSOLUTELY! We need it daily but sometimes more on certain days. Valentine’s Day is NO everyone’s favorite holiday.