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Dear Martin – My Thoughts

I will never give the story away because I want you to read and feel through your own heart and eyes, but I love a good book and will always share when I read one. And this is a GREAT one.

An American Marriage – My Thoughts

“Love makes a place in your life, it makes a place for itself in your bed. Invisibly, it makes a place in your body, rerouting all your blood vessels, throbbing right alongside your heart. When it’s gone, nothing is whole again.” – An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Generous Love – A Review

…this book on the tail-end of the #GOGIVELOVE initiative was confirmation that traveling the US to give back and BE the goodness and love we want to see, was meant to happen for TeamBz.

Free Friday: What are YOU Reading?

The smell of a book, the feel of the pages, the escape the words bring whether reading fiction or non-fiction is E-VER-Y-THING.