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Meet Parita

Share your career and / or business. I am energy healer who practices Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and Akashic Record healing. I help people balance their mind and body. Through in-person and virtual energy healings, we release energies that aren’t serving us and fill up with love and light. We acknowledge and reprogram thoughts, emotions, patterns, and experiences, that are blocking us. I blend science and spirituality to meet my clients where they are.

Why did you choose to take on this role, career path, or business? What is your driving force? I first discovered Reiki, while healing from Celiac Disease. A few years into my journey, I came to the realization that the stress of being chronically ill, was making me more ill. I began to learn meditation and Reiki in 2015, and it has helped me transform mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It has helped me through aches and pains, muscle tension, dizziness, and fatigue, as well as grief, frustration, anger and fear. As it continues to support me and my clients, I feel inspired to teach others how to self-nurture with meditation and Reiki. I am most motivated by my tribe.

When things get tough in your career / business, what keep you going? When work feels challenging, I take it as an invitation to go deeper into my personal spiritual and energetic practices. If there is something that is out of alignment, I do my best to pause and go inwards before taking action. I observe what’s happening in my mind, heart, and body, in efforts to hear the voice of my intuition. I’ve learned to let myself have cycles of growth, deconstruction and everything in between. It’s essential that we honor the cycle that we’re in, take care of ourselves accordingly, and release the need to be anywhere else. 

Share with us one woman who has had a positive impact on your life (Who is she? How did she impact you? Does she know? If not, shout her out!) I would love to shout out Yolanda Williams. Yolanda is a Reiki Master Teachers, Intuitive Mentor and host of Reiki Radio. She has helped me see and step into my purpose. Yolanda shares podcast episodes, one-on-one sessions, courses, and much more. Most importantly, she offers a genuineness that makes spirituality approachable.

What one piece of advice has been most influential to you? The most important lesson that I continue to learn, is that we can only support ourselves and those around us, to the capacity in which we tend to our mind and body. When we were out of balance physically, mentally or emotionally, we cannot live to our fullest potential and purpose. We cannot be there for our loved ones in the way we would like to be there. We cannot embrace our dreams and desires. At the end of the day, we can only thrive in the external world, if we are at peace internally.

If someone wants to contact you, how can they do so? I would love to connect on Instagram @paritashahhealing where I share energy healing and mindfulness tips. I also offer free Reiki-infused guided meditations at

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