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khadijahrbz > Blog > Declare It with Khadijah RBz > Ep 41: I am the Fruit SELF-CONTROL with Na’Kole Watson

Ep 41: I am the Fruit SELF-CONTROL with Na’Kole Watson

Join us for another episode in the I am the Fruit series as we chat with Na’Kole Watson about SELF-CONTROL. Na’Kole is a survivor of over twenty-two suicide attempts (she stopped counting after the twenty-second). She is familiar with the effects of suicidal ideation, bullying and abuse and used them to create a safe place for others in similar situations and circumstances. These organic outreach methods have transformed into the Na’Kole Watson brand, as well as #NotOnMyWatch™, a nonprofit suicide prevention and anti-bullying organization. Na’Kole will help us to dissect self-control and how it can help us grow.

Connect with Na’Kole:


Instagram: @nakolewatson 

DECLARE IT Podcast on Instagram: @declareitpodcast 

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