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declare it

Ep 32: You Asked, I’m Answering: A Moment of Transparency

There are so many feelings running through me but I think the one that is the most prominent in this moment is exhaustion. When something (or someone) hurts you over and over and over… you just get tired.

This podcast episode is not a vent session. It is  a delve into a repeated question and some alternative options for white people who want to know what they can do.  

Ep 28: Change with Stacy

Change is inevitable. It is the tide and flow of LIFE.
No breath we take is the same. We close our eyes and open them and something about what we see has changed. The only thing that is constant is change and in this episode Stacy shares her story and offers suggestions for handling change.

“I am declaring victory in 2020. I believe that it is after we face the most horrible circumstances we are being set up for victory.” – Stacy