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Purposeful Preparation

Khadijah RBz Purposely Preparation

We are one month away from AUGUST – the month of my birth and the beginning of my new year. Each year, prior to my birth month, I am intentional about honoring how I have grown, recognizing areas of potential, and setting intentions for the new year. In addition, I like to challenge myself in some way and then during August actively and vigorously celebrate ME.

So what is Khadijah RBz doing in preparation for her new year?!?!

From July 1 – 31st Khadijah RBz will be enjoying a raw, vegan way of living mixed with days of dry + soft fasting and juicing. During this time Khadijah will meditate daily (as she does now), practice intentional movement each day, and purposefully spend time cultivating her gifts. Khadijah RBz will also challenge herself to spend, at least, ONE of the thirty-one days in silence.

Back to writing from the first person point of view… I am excited and thoroughly looking forward to this adventure of healing, growth, and exploration, as it will prepare and propel me into this amazing new year. I am setting my intentions and expectations regarding what I want to see, experience, and become. I am a creator and I am creating greatness for myself, my family, and those with whom I encounter. So know that when you see me, talk to me, experience me greatness is present for me and YOU.

My day of birth is August 2nd, mark your calendars because the stars shine brighter, the sun is positioned higher with a golden glow, and the moon illuminates a brilliant, silvery essence.

Stay connected to me on IG: @khadijahrbz and make sure you are listening to DECLARE IT with Khadijah RBz. How do you celebrate your day of birth? Comment below.

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