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everyday declarations for harmonious living


everyday declarations for harmonious living

a deck of intuitive decrees that support the balance of mind, body, and spirit. each card gives way to the transformation of thoughts allowing the space for one to create the reality they desire. created with love and intention, this deck will be a blessing to all the hands that hold it.

***all orders will include 1 deck, along with an insightfully designed and personalized card box***

a deck of intuitive decrees that support the balance of mind, body, and spirit. each card gives way to the transformation of thoughts allowing the space for one to create the reality they desire. this deck when used purposefully will support self-care, self-love, and healing.

purposefully and intentionally directing one’s attention to positive and uplifting thoughts aids in reprogramming the brain by disconnecting the brain circuits which have negative programming and connecting new circuits that contain more positive thoughts and frequencies.

with consistency the connections shift easier and it becomes more natural to think positive, empowering thoughts replacing the influx of negative musings.

a change in life begins with a change in thought. this thought change must be toward empowering, encouraging, and enriching ideas, concepts and meditations. using positive affirmations, mantras, quotes or DECLARATIONS on a regular basis, aids in shifting consciousness and creating new patterns in the brain’s neural pathways called ***neuroplasticity.*** regular use of these declaration cards may support reprogramming the mind to think positive thoughts with ease.

get the most out of your declaration deck:

• after you wake, shuffle your cards and pick one at random from the deck. whichever card you choose, will be a great message for you in that moment. read your declaration to yourself a few times, and feel your feelings. acknowledge them. is there resistance to the declaration? does the card resonate with you — mind, body, spirit? notice where the feelings are in your body? your feelings can provide amazing feedback regarding deeper healing needed to manifest a different outcome in your life.

• place the declaration card in a prominent place, allowing you to see it throughout the day. each time you see it, say the declaration to yourself (or aloud) multiple times and feel your feelings. if you have difficulty reading your declaration initially, trust that it will get easier and you will feel more in-tune as you spend time with the declaration.

• use the declaration as a thought to hold during meditation or journaling.

• daily declaration may be used as a reminder of your highest intentions for healing and manifesting the life you desire.

• place a card in a special place for your significant other, friend or family member as a love note or positive thought to uplift them when they see it.

• share a card or the whole deck with a friend.

• give as an uplifting gift for graduation, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Anniversary, Friendship Day, Valentine’s Day, or just because!

***neuroplasticity is the capacity of nerve cells to biologically adapt to circumstances—to respond to stimulation by generating new tendrils of connection (synapses) to other nerve cells, and to respond to deprivation and excess stress by weakening connections.

neuroplasticity underlies the capacity for learning and memory, and it enables mental and behavioral flexibility. research has firmly established that the brain is a dynamic organ and can change its architecture throughout life, responding to experience by reorganizing connections—in short, by wiring and rewiring itself. scientists sometimes refer to the process of neuroplasticity as “structural remodeling of the brain.” —***



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