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Open Letter

Khadijah RBz in White Chair

Do you talk to yourself? Of course you do, we all do. Our voice is the loudest voice that we hear EVERY day.

What are our voice saying? Is it positive or negative? Helpful or hurtful? Loving and forgiving? Angry and critical?

How do you talk to you?

I am my biggest hype-woman! I show up for myself realer today, than I ever have. Learning to love and appreciate myself has been a beautiful journey. Here is a letter I wrote to myself:

Dearest Khadijah,

I am so proud of you!

I know it hasn’t been an easy road and you have encountered your share of delays and detours but you keep going with a determination and drive that is indescribable. You continue to push past uncomfortability in order to discover the goodness within and it makes me so proud.

It is incredible watching you show up for you and loving you right where you are. i know at times it has been a challenge but here you are, doing it with ease. I love you for that.

Please know that i am here for you. I love you and I value who you are. I appreciate your efforts to impact the space you are in and the goodness you give with grace. You are extra-ordinary.

All my love,

khadijah 💛

If you were to write a letter to yourself, what is one thing you would say? Share in the comments.

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