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Khadijah RBz

Melaninated King

We could not leave out our KINGS!!! There are Melaninated King t-shirts available for the king in your life. With Father’s Day around the corner,… Read More »Melaninated King

Let’s Get Meditated

My first thoughts of meditation was what is this woo-woo stuff / how in the world am I going to be able to sit still and be quiet / I have too much going on to meditate / how is this going to help me. All of this filled my mind, yet I figured it would not hurt to give it a try.

Meditation is essentially the art of focusing your attention. Whether you focus on your breath, a mantra (or scripture) or use visualization; meditation is simply being intentional with your focus.

Liver Flushed

Cleansing is a part of living that I find to be an important undertaking. The discipline and mental stamina need is no joke. With that being said, last week I completed a liver and gallbladder cleanse (flush). Read More »Liver Flushed