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Diverse Perspectives

may we take what we need from the space we are in to complete our own journey without comparing and contrasting what others are gathering for theirs. 

No Blame

“When we blame another, we give our power away because we’re placing the responsibility for our feelings on someone else. People in our lives may… Read More »No Blame

On This Mountain…

On this mountain I have affirmed myself, questioned myself and learned to love myself (anew).
On this mountain I have inhaled the newness of life and exhaled the stagnation of unfulfilled living…..

Keeping it Moving

…we do not have access to a gym right across the parking lot, as we did in the states, therefore we have to be very intentional about our workouts. 

Meditation and Mantra Monday: UNIQUE

It is so easy to want to compare ourselves to others. And the more we do this the less we see our value and uniqueness.