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Meditation and Mantra Mondays

Each Monday Khadijah RBz shares a meditation and / mantra to support your mindfulness journey.

Declare It!

Some days we have to be reminded that we are loved. We can get caught up in all that we think we are not and… Read More »Declare It!

Meditation and Mantra Monday: What is in Your Heart

Dig deep into your heart and begin to discover what is there – the good, the bad and the ugly. By doing this you free up space so the good fruit can grow and the TRUTH of YOU emerges.

Meditation and Mantra Monday: Great Expectation

Have you ever expected something in LIFE and you wanted it to show up this way but it showed up another way? Yea, so that happens often and I think it’s for the best because it keeps us from putting ourselves and GOD in a box.